Master any outing with Metro Baby’s range of Thule Double Prams. Whether you love walking around the city or exploring the great outdoors, we’ve got the perfect Thule pram and accessories that adapt to your growing family’s needs.

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Adventure Awaits with Thule Double Prams

Ready for epic family outdoor adventures? Thule double prams are here to make your outings hassle-free!

Designed for the Australian outdoors, these prams balance rugged durability with a lightweight design. Whether it’s a leisurely walk in the park or an adventurous jog on hilly terrain, Thule’s swivel front wheel and large rear wheels promise a comfortable side-by-side ride for your twins or tots.

Plus, with their capacity to recline for nap times and an easy compact fold system, these prams are as much about parent comfort as they are about child safety.

So, pack up your essentials, clip on your cup holder, and step out into the world. Thule's got the rest covered.


Why Australian Parents Choose Thule

Thule is undoubtedly one of the most trusted pram brands in Australia - and for good reasons. Here’s why Aussie parents rely on Thule for their outdoor adventures:

  • Safety First Design: Thule prams meet rigorous Australian safety standards. Parents trust them for their robust build and reliable protection.
  • Versatility: Whether it’s for jogging, shopping, or strolling, Thule prams adapt to various activities - perfect for the Aussie lifestyle.
  • Easy Handling: With features like swivel front wheels and twist-hand brakes, exploring through city streets or rugged trails is a breeze.
  • Comfort: Spacious seats, adjustable recline, and smooth suspension ensure a comfy ride for your little ones on every outing.
  • Parent-Friendly Features: From compact fold for easy storage and ample storage space to adjustable handlebars, Thule understands parents’ needs.
  • Durability: Built to last, Thule prams withstand the test of time and terrain, making them a wise investment for growing families.
  • Stylish Choices: Thule prams come in various designs and colours. Parents love the modern, sleek look that stands out.
  • Customisable Options: From rain covers to snack trays, Thule offers a range of accessories. This allows parents to tailor the prams to their specific needs.


Choosing the Right Thule Double Stroller

Ready to pick a Thule double stroller? Here are some factors to consider to make sure you’re getting the ideal double pram for your family’s needs:

  • Lifestyle Compatibility: Think about your daily activities. Are you an urban explorer or an off-road adventurer? Thule offers strollers like the Thule Urban Glide 2 Double, ideal for active families on the go.
  • Ease of Use: Look for features like a compact fold, which makes storing and transporting the stroller hassle-free. A twist hand brake and swivel front wheel add to ease of maneuverability, especially in tight spaces or hilly terrain.
  • Weight and Size: Consider the child weight capacity of the stroller and its physical dimensions. This is crucial if you have older or taller children, or if you need a stroller that fits through standard doorways.
  • Comfort and Safety: Ensure the stroller has comfortable seating with recline options and is equipped with safety harnesses. This wouldn’t be a problem, though, as all Thule strollers meet stringent safety standards.
  • Storage Options: Adequate storage for baby essentials and personal items is a must. Check for accessible and secure storage spaces in the stroller design.
  • Accessories and Customisation: Thule offers a range of accessories like rain covers, organisers, and bumper bars. You can even convert your double pram into a travel system with a bassinet and car seat adapters.
  • Aesthetics: Consider the look of the stroller. For instance, the Thule Glide 2’s sleek design and jet-black colour make a stylish statement for any outing.


Must-Have Add-ons For Your Thule Pram

Get the most out of your Thule double pram with the perfect accessories. Whether it's added comfort, storage, or weather protection, these add-ons are perfect for any adventure.

  • Mesh Cover: Keep your little ones safe from bugs and sun while maintaining airflow with the Thule mesh cover. It's a perfect choice for warm, sunny days, ensuring comfort and protection on the go.
  • Footmuffs: Available in various colours, Thule’s footmuffs are insulated with fleece liners to keep your tiny tots snug and warm during winter walks.
  • Bumper Bar: Add an extra layer of safety and convenience with the Thule bumper bar. It offers your child a secure place to hold onto and can be easily attached or detached as needed.
  • Bassinet: Transform your Thule pram into a newborn-friendly ride with a comfortable Bassinet. It provides a flat and snug space for your baby, perfect for naps during your outings.
  • Rain Cover: Don't let a little drizzle catch you off-guard. The Thule rain cover shields your little ones from the elements, ensuring they stay dry and comfortable, no matter the weather.
  • Snack Tray: A great addition for on-the-go munching. It provides a convenient and easily accessible place for snacks and drinks, keeping both kids and parents happy.
  • Car Seat Adaptor for Maxi Cosi: Seamlessly connect your Maxi Cosi car seat to your Thule pram with this adaptor. It's a must-have for creating a convenient travel system for your baby.
  • Universal Car Seat Adapter: Make your Thule stroller compatible with most car seat brands, allowing for a smoother transition from car to pram.
  • Cup Holder: Stay hydrated on the go with the Thule Cup Holder. It's the perfect spot for your coffee or water bottle to make sure they’re within reach anytime.


Get Your Thule Double Pram Today at Metro Baby

At Metro Baby, we understand the struggle of going out with two or more babies in tow. That’s why we stock a whole range of Thule Double Prams and accessories to make your outings more about adventures and less about stress.

With features like easy fold, adjustable handlebars, and roomy storage, these prams are a top choice for parents on the go. Plus, with a variety of pram accessories available, it’s so much easier to customise your stroller to suit your needs. Shop at Metro Baby today and pick the perfect pram for your family’s adventures.